Trade settings can be found on the settings menu, under General Settings.

Fireroster has 5 types of trades;

Trade shift with another member

This is a straight trade, members are swapping assignments with each other.

Find a member to trade with

This allows a member to send out a message to others asking if someone would trade with them. Members responding send back a proposed shift that they would be willing to trade for. The requesting member will see a list of proposals and select the one that best works for them. A trade will then be submitted to the designated supervisors.

Request a station swap

Member is wanting to changes station assignments with another member

Give my shift to another member

Member is wanting to give up a shift to another member. Unless specified in working code assignments, the requesting member will be removed from the schedule that shift, and the accepting member will be placed on the schedule.

Drop a shift

Member is wanting to drop a shift. If approved, they will be removed from the schedule for the requested shift.

Working code assignments

Fireroster can automatically change the working codes for members when a trade is performed. This works when giving up a shift, and straight trading. 

Give my shift to another member

When this is selected, both members will remain on the shift. The requesting member will be removed from any assignment and their working code will be set to the selected code. The accepting member will be placed on the shift and assignment, and their working code will be changed to the selected code.

Straight trade

When this is selected, both members will remain on the shift for each date. 

On the first trade date, the requesting member will be removed from any assignment and their working code will be set to the selected code. The accepting member will be placed on the shift and assignment, and their working code will be changed to the selected code.

On second trade date, the requesting member will be placed on the shift and assignment, and their working code will be changed to the selected code. The accepting member will be removed from any assignment and their working code will be set to the selected code.