Member is staying on the same shift, but their assignment is changing
Go into the member account under Settings, Members. View the members account, and scroll down to the scheduling section. Add an end date to the current assignment. Then press the Add Assignment button. Fill out the proper information and enter the proper start date. Save the member record, and their schedule will now reflect the proper assignment.
Member is moving to a different shift
Go into the member account under Settings, Members. View the members account, and scroll down to the scheduling section.
Click on the Remove from Shift button. This will remove this member from C Shift, and the assignment of E1 as the Officer from today forward. All past assignments will be preserved.
Then using the drop down list, select the new shift for this member.
After selecting the new shift, press the Add Assignment button and fill out the new assignment for this member. When you have all the necessary information entered, save the member's record.
If you have moved this members shift before the new shift actually begins, you will need to go back and enter the old shift assignments from today until the new shift begins. When you removed the member from their shift, it removed all of the assignments from today forward.
Go back into the member account, and press the Modify Schedule button at the top right of the screen.
To add back the assigned days, select the radio button Assign member to a shift between two dates. Fill in the begin date, end date, shift, resource, crew position and working code. Press the save button when finished. This will put the member back on their old shift for the few days or weeks before the new shift starts.